Githug 记录
Githug 通关记录,简要写关于涉及到的部分命令的使用。一个适用于 Git 初学者的练习游戏。
刚开始接触 Git 推荐先使用Learn Git Branching
可视化学习一下分支,然后可以试一下 Githug。另外还有相似的Git
Git Branching 可视化学习最适合初学者,有命令指引和 solution,Githug
涉及的命令比较广,不过大多比较浅,没有 solution,所以在此记录,Git
Exercises 有些关卡的场景比较复杂,难度上较 Githug
难一点,完成后每个关卡有讲解。后面两个游戏都是命令行 base,
可能会涉及一些最基本的命令行操作。目前已有许多 Git 的 GUI
客户端,并且主流编辑器大多也有 Git 插件可以实现图形化操作,不过个人使用
Git 还是更习惯使用命令行,当然在 diff
的时候 GUI
界面还是更方便一些 。公司使用的团队合作控制是
Git 作为自己的版本管理控制,也方便记录哪些已提交到团队的 TFS
上面,对于近期刚完成的半年多时长的项目,引入 Git
你可以使用 Gitpod 来运行后面两个命令行的 Git 练习。
Level 1 - Init
A new directory,
, has been created; initialize an empty repository in it.
1 | git init |
Level 2 - Config
Set up your git name and email, this is important so that your commits can be identified.
1 | git config --global "name" |
设置 Git 配置,--global
Level 3 - Add
There is a file in your folder called
, you should add it to your staging area Note: You start each level with a new repo. Don't look for files from the previous one.
1 | git add README |
git add .
Linux 中的通配符规则是一致的。
原则上一次提交不应该包含多个改动,即小步提交,而暂存后的文件才进行提交,所以一次暂存通常也只包含本次提交中的内容。曾看到过一个比喻,Git 有点像是打游戏断点存档,在哪里断点存档你就可以从那里重新开始。一次提交包含多个改动,当你追溯自己的版本变更时就非常困难。
理解 Git 命令与各个不同区域的关系参见 Git Cheatsheet1。
Level 4 - Commit
file has been added to your staging area, now commit it.
1 | git commit -m “add readme” |
提交变更,通常使用 -m
将会使用唤起你的编辑器以便键入提交信息。提交信息推荐参考 Convertional
Level 5 - Clone
Clone the repository at
1 | git clone |
Level 6 Clone to folder
Clone the repository at to
1 | git clone … my_cloned_repo |
Level 7 Ignore
The text editor 'vim' creates files ending in
(swap files) for all files that are currently open. We don't want them creeping into the repository. Make this repository ignore those swap files which are ending in.swp
1 | vim .gitignore |
1 | *.swp |
配置 gitignore
VS 中的 Git 环境会默认写一个 gitignore
VS 产生的文件。
两个 gitignore
- github/gitignore: A collection of useful .gitignore templates 3
- - Create Useful .gitignore Files For Your Project 4
Level 8 - Include
Notice a few files with the '.a' extension. We want git to ignore all but the 'lib.a' file.
1 | vim .gitignore |
1 | *.a |
Level 9 - Status
There are some files in this repository, one of the files is untracked, which file is it?
1 | git status |
Level 10 - Number of files commited
There are some files in this repository, how many of the files will be committed?
1 | git status |
使用 status
可能是最简单的方式,但文件较多时就不方便了。参考 git
count files in the staged index - Stack Overflow5。
Level 11 - Rm
A file has been removed from the working tree, however the file was not removed from the repository. Find out what this file was and remove it.
1 | git commit -a -m “delete” |
Level 12 - Rm cached
A file has accidentally been added to your staging area, find out which file and remove it from the staging area. NOTE Do not remove the file from the file system, only from git.
1 | git rm |
使用 git status
Level 13 - Stash
You've made some changes and want to work on them later. You should save them, but don't commit them.
1 | git stash |
Level 14 - Rename
We have a file called
. We want to rename it tonewfile.txt
and stage this change.
1 | git mv oldfile.txt newfile.txt |
这和 Linux 中的重命名是一样的,其实 Git 中有很多命令与 Linux 命令相似。
Level 15 - Restructure
You added some files to your repository, but now realize that your project needs to be restructured. Make a new folder named
and using Git move all of the .html files into this folder.
1 | mkdir src |
Level 16 - Log
You will be asked for the hash of most recent commit. You will need to investigate the logs of the repository for this.
1 | git log -1 |
Level 17 - Tag
We have a git repo and we want to tag the current commit with
1 | git tag new_tag |
Level 18 - Push tags
There are tags in the repository that aren't pushed into remote repository. Push them now.
1 | git push - -tags |
Level 19 - Commit amend
file has been committed, but it looks like the fileforgotten_file.rb
was missing from the commit. Add the file and amend your previous commit to include it.
1 | git add . |
添加 --no-edit
Level 20 - Commit in furture
Commit your changes with the future date (e.g. tomorrow).
1 | git commit -m “commit msg” —date “2023-08-01” |
Level 21 - Reset
There are two files to be committed. The goal was to add each file as a separate commit, however both were added by accident. Unstage the file
using the reset command (don't commit anything).
1 | git restore --staged to_commit_second.rb |
Level 22 - Reset soft
You committed too soon. Now you want to undo the last commit, while keeping the index.
1 | git log --oneline |
Level 23 - Checkout file
A file has been modified, but you don't want to keep the modification. Checkout the
file from the last commit.
1 | git checkout — config.rb |
Level 24 - Remote
This project has a remote repository. Identify it.
1 | git remote |
Level 25 - Remote url
The remote repositories have a url associated to them. Please enter the url of remote_location.
1 | git remote -v |
Level 26 - Pull
You need to pull changes from your origin repository.
1 | git pull origin master |
Level 27 - Remote add
Add a remote repository called
with the url
1 | git remote add origin |
Level 28 - Push
Your local master branch has diverged from the remote origin/master branch. Rebase your commit onto origin/master and push it to remote.
1 | git rebase origin/master |
Level 29 - Diff
There have been modifications to the
file since your last commit. Find out which line has changed.
1 | git diff -U0 |
Git diff 的信息并非实际行数,参考 Git diff with line numbers (Git log with line numbers) - Stack Overflow6。
Level 30 - Blame
Someone has put a password inside the file
find out who it was.
1 | git blame config.rb |
Level 31 - Branch
You want to work on a piece of code that has the potential to break things, create the branch test_code.
1 | git branch test_code |
Level 32 - Checkout
Create and switch to a new branch called my_branch. You will need to create a branch like you did in the previous level.
1 | git checkout -b my_branch |
Level 33 - Checkout tag
You need to fix a bug in the version 1.2 of your app. Checkout the tag
1 | git checkout v1.2 |
Level 34 - Checkout tag over branch
You need to fix a bug in the version 1.2 of your app. Checkout the tag
(Note: There is also a branch namedv1.2
1 | git log —tags —online |
先找到这个 tag 的 SHA 值,如果你直接 checkout v1.2
将会变为 checkout 分支。
Level 35 - Branch at
You forgot to branch at the previous commit and made a commit on top of it. Create branch test_branch at the commit before the last.
1 | git branch test_branch HEAD~1 |
Level 36 - Delete branch
You have created too many branches for your project. There is an old branch in your repo called 'delete_me', you should delete it.
1 | git branch -d delete_me |
Level 37 - Push branch
You've made some changes to a local branch and want to share it, but aren't yet ready to merge it with the 'master' branch. Push only 'test_branch' to the remote repository
1 | git push origin test_branch |
Level 38 - Merge
We have a file in the branch 'feature'; Let's merge it to the master branch.
1 | git merge feature |
Level 39 - Fetch
Looks like a new branch was pushed into our remote repository. Get the changes without merging them with the local repository
1 | git fetch |
Level 40 - Rebase
We are using a git rebase workflow and the feature branch is ready to go into master. Let's rebase the feature branch onto our master branch.
1 | git rebase master feature |
Level 41 - Rebase onto
You have created your branch from
and already made some commits, and you realise that you needed to create your branch frommaster
. Rebase your commits ontomaster
branch so that you don't havewrong_branch
now: readme-update branch
1 | git rebase —onto master wrong_branch readme-update |
关于 rebase
的使用,参考Git rebase --onto an
Level 42 - Repack
Optimise how your repository is packaged ensuring that redundant packs are removed.
1 | git repack -d |
Level 43 - Pick
Your new feature isn't worth the time and you're going to delete it. But it has one commit that fills in
file, and you want this commit to be on the master as well.
1 | git branch |
Level 44 - Grep
Your project's deadline approaches, you should evaluate how many TODOs are left in your code
1 | git grep TODO |
Level 45 - Rename commit
Correct the typo in the message of your first (non-root) commit.
1 | git rebase -i HEAD~2 |
Level 46 - Squash
You have committed several times but would like all those changes to be one commit.
1 | git rebase -i HEAD~4 |
git rebase -i
Exercise 中有关于这个命令的更复杂的练习。
Level 47 - Merge squash
Merge all commits from the long-feature-branch as a single commit.
1 | git merge long-feature-branch —squash |
Level 48 - Reorder
You have committed several times but in the wrong order. Please reorder your commits.
1 | git rebase -i HEAD~3 |
1 | pick 468b4ea First commit |
与 git log
不同,git rebase -i
Level 49 - Bisect
A bug was introduced somewhere along the way. You know that running
ruby prog.rb 5
should output 15. You can also runmake test
. What are the first 7 chars of the hash of the commit that introduced the bug.
1 | git log —online |
这个命令对于查找哪个版本引入的变更非常有用,尤其是利用测试模块测试哪个版本引入 bug。我常常在公司的项目中要查找哪个版本开始改动,对于有明确提交信息的变更还相对好找,很多提交没有写明版本变更,找历史变更是非常痛苦的事情。
Level 50 - Stage lines
You've made changes within a single file that belong to two different features, but neither of the changes are yet staged. Stage only the changes belonging to the first feature.
1 | git add -p |
1 | +This change belongs to the first feature |
这个命令也是一个非常丰富的命令, 可以将未暂存的一次大变更分为几个小变更,前面说到小步提交,但实际开发过程中其实很经常会习惯过去的方式一口气写完,这时候会出现这样的问题,可以通过这个命令来帮助你把一个大的变更拆解成几个小的变更。
Level 51 - Find old branch
You have been working on a branch but got distracted by a major issue and forgot the name of it. Switch back to that branch.
1 | git reflog |
Level 52 - Revert
You have committed several times but want to undo the middle commit. All commits have been pushed, so you can't change existing history.
1 | git log —oneline |
Level 53 - Restore
You decided to delete your latest commit by running
git reset --hard HEAD^
. (Not a smart thing to do.) You then change your mind, and want that commit back. Restore the deleted commit.
1 | git reflog |
Level 54 - Conflict
You need to merge mybranch into the current branch (master). But there may be some incorrect changes in mybranch which may cause conflicts. Solve any merge-conflicts you come across and finish the merge.
1 | git merge mybranch |
Level 55 - Submodule
You want to include the files from the following repo:
into a the folder./githug-include-me
. Do this without manually cloning the repo or copying the files from the repo into this repo.
1 | git submodule add ./githug-include-me |